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Wild Bee Balm Seeds

Regular price ₴296.00 UAH
Regular price Sale price ₴296.00 UAH
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You are purchasing 1 seed packet of (15) Wild Bergamot**.

This plant will attract those beneficial pollinators like honey bees, butterflies, and more. It is an amazing aromatic and is often used to make essential oils for things like incense, soaps, or perfumes. Greatest part is the flowers are edible. You can eat them as is or make candies from the blooms.

Its blooms are a lavender colored petals and the mature plant can reach up to 48 inches. This is great to create a butterfly sanctuary or honey bee feeding station.

**Please Note** not all seeds maybe uniform in size and can vary. Do not discount the size of the seed as they are fresh and viable regardless. Each seed packet is checked for seed count prior to shipping out and for this reason we ship seed packets in clear packets so you the buyer can see the amount prior to opening the packet. If you have an issue with seed count do not open the packet. Instead contact us with a photo of the unopen packet for correction. Once open we will not send replacements.
