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Black Cumin Herb

Regular price ₴296.00 UAH
Regular price Sale price ₴296.00 UAH
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You are purchasing 15 seeds** of Black Cumin Herb. Blooms will vary from blue, white, and or light pink.

This black seeds oil list shows a few other ways black seed oil is referred to around the world:

Kalonji Oil
Black Cumin Seed Oil
Nigella Sativa
Habbatus Sauda
Graine De Nigelle
Black Onion Seeds
Black Seeds
Sativa Oil
Nigella Seed

Germination: Sow seeds at 3 - 4 seeds per plant in well-drained soil and keep moist until germination occurs in 7 - 14 days at 70 F. degrees.

Here’s a quick list of ways to take black seeds:

Consume a teaspoon of black seed oil
Mix teaspoon of black seed oil with honey
Consume black seeds plain
Boil water with black seeds, let simmer and consume (Black Seed Tea anyone?)
You can add black seeds to bread, food, and pastries
Swallow a capsule or two and wash it down with water.

Medicinal Uses: Nigella sativa is typically touted as a natural remedy for these health problems.

High blood pressure
Rheumatoid arthritis
Hair Growth

Spiritual Uses: Protection from the Evil Eye, Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism, Anti-theft. Burned with frankincense for protection and scattered on the floor (sometimes with salt) to drive out evil. Used in love spells. When given to a lover, promotes fidelity. Cumin seed steeped in wine makes a lust potion.

**Please Note** not all seeds maybe uniform in size and can vary. Do not discount the size of the seed as they are fresh and viable regardless. Each seed packet is checked for seed count prior to shipping out and for this reason we ship seed packets in clear packets so you the buyer can see the amount prior to opening the packet. If you have an issue with seed count do not open the packet. Instead contact us with a photo of the unopen packet for correction. Once open we will not send replacements.
