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The Greenman Alchemist

Bee Food (Dandelion Seeds)

Regular price ₴296.00 UAH
Regular price Sale price ₴296.00 UAH
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You are purchasing 1 seed packet of 20 fresh Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) which are one of the first blooms that beneficial pollinators like bees feed on in early spring.

Feed your local bees or plant these seeds to make food. The flowers are edible and often used to make natural Jams. It is used as a Honey Replacement for those who are vegan. Or if you want caffeine replacement you can roast the roots to make a coffee known as Cowboy Coffee. The leaves are also edible for salads. Make sure not to use any pesticides on these as it will harm your pollinating friends as well deem the plant inedible.

These are easy to start and benefit you and your local pollinators.
