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Alum Crystal

Regular price ₴296.00 UAH
Regular price Sale price ₴296.00 UAH
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You are purchasing 1 oz of 100% Natural Alum that comes in crystal form.

Alum has various uses both medicinal and spiritually. Here are a few uses you can use with your Alum.

Magickal Uses:

(Destroys Negativity) - Alum can be placed in a dish, in a room infested with negative energies, as it absorbs the watery energy they live in. Can also be used in magical inks. Not to be eaten.

To Stop Gossip: If someone is interfering in your life by talking about you, take an amount of ALUM POWDER that will cover a Dime and put it into a muslin Tobacco-sack. Write the interfering person’s full Name on a Piece of Paper, and place the Name-Paper in the sack with the ALUM. Just as ALUM puckers up the mouth, so will this charm bag keep the person you have named from gossiping about you or messing in your personal business.

Medicinal Uses:

Skin Care - clear acne/pimples and skin tightening
Aftershave Treatment
Natural Deodorant
Kills Bacteria
Stops bleeding
Soothing Irritated skin
Athletes foot
Anti-fungal Treatment
Cracked Heels

Other Uses:
Purify Muddy Water
Leather Tanning
Used to Neutralize Gardening Soil
