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The Greenman Alchemist

Syrian Rue

Regular price 75 SEK
Regular price Sale price 75 SEK
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Syrian Rue has a long history of shamanic uses. Often to make incense using the seeds as an ingredient. They are drought tolerant plants that like sandy and dry soils but will grow just about anywhere. I suggest growing them in pots to control undesired spread of this easily sprouting plant.

Contents: 10 Seeds

Growing Conditions

  • Moist Soil Medium for seed germination.
  • Kept in dark/shaded during germination period.
  • 70-85°F required for germination.
  • Thin out after seeds have sprouted and keep in 1/2 shade until plants are established.
  • Once plants are mature reduce watering as they like dry soil in between watering.

Found Uses: Seeds are often used to make a red dye, spice, and medicinal uses*.


*Disclosure* We are not medical doctors and do not recommend using any plant for substitutes or as alternative medicines. Please consult your doctor.
