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PURE Galanga Powder

Regular price 75 SEK
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You are purchasing a 1 oz packet of 100% Natural Galanga Powder.

Common Name

Standardized: lesser galangal
Other: Chinese galangal, Chinese ginger

Botanical Name

Alpinia officinarum Hance
Plant Family: Zingiberaceae


Galangal is an East Asian tropical shrub with lance-like leaves, iris-like flowers, and reddish brown, woody rhizomes. It grows mainly in the Eastern Himalayas and Southwest India, and was introduced to Europe in the 9th century. Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179 C.E.) referred to galangal as the spice of life and used it in many of her formulas. The name galangal is derived from the Arabic khalanjan, referring to Chinese ginger, whose family it is a member of. Galangal is an important herb in Saudi herbal medicine. It is used in many magical workings throughout the world. One reported use is that if you spit the juice from chewing this root on the floor of a courtroom before the judge enters, you will win the case.


Magickal uses of Galangal Root include winning in court, doubling money, and hex breaking. Burn as incense to remove evil spells. Carry for protection, to improve psychic abilities and to bring good health. It is also used for lust, luck, drawing money, exorcism, psychic development, and assistance in contacting spirit guides.

Galanga or Galangal is one of the main ingredients in making Kyphi Incense. Kyphi (Kapet) was one of the most popular types of temple incense in Ancient Egypt and it was also used as a remedy for a number of ailments.
