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Sacred White Sage Seeds

Regular price ¥1,400 JPY
Regular price Sale price ¥1,400 JPY
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You are purchasing 1 seed packet of Sacred White Sage seeds. Each packet contains 10 seeds**

Once your seeds mature you'll be able to use your White Sage to make smudge sticks to cleanse your sacred space, make incense, essential oils, perfumes, soaps, and more.

It has been a sacred plant to the natives of this land and other countries around the world. Smudge sticks can be expensive but not when you can grow your own. This will turn into a 5 ft+ bush that will attract birds and other beneficial pollinators to your garden.

Salvia apiana tolerates sand and clay. Salvia apiana is great for a bird garden. Salvia apiana's foliage color is silver, type is evergreen and has fragrance. Salvia apiana's flower color is white and has a fragrance.

Tips on How to Grow:

Growing white sage is unlike growing other types of plants, but with the right care, you will not have much trouble getting it to thrive. It is a plant that is native to California, but it can easily grow in zones five through nine with the right growing conditions. In fact, it can grow to be three to eight feet tall. To really thrive, this is a plant that needs the following:

Soil Requirements – When it comes to soil requirements for white sage, you are going to want a well-draining soil that does not hold a lot of water. Sand and similar soil types are ideal for this plant, but it can also tolerate richer soil as well that will drain the water well.

Light Requirements – This is a plant that will only really grow in full sun. It does not do well in shade, so when you are growing it, make sure that you choose a location that gets sun for the majority of the day. In addition, if you live in an area where the temperature drops under 20 degrees on a regular basis, then you may have difficulties growing the plant.

Watering Requirements – Though, this is a plant that does well in dry conditions, it does need to get a certain amount of water to grow, especially when it is first transplanted. In general, you will want to give your white sage plant about ½ of an inch to an inch of water a week. Once the plant has been growing for two years, it will often find all of the water that it needs on its own.

Feeding Requirements – This is a plant that does not require fertilizer to grow; in fact, it will actually do better in soil that has low nutrients as it grows. If you want to add a bit of fertilizer to the plant, then you can lightly coat the soil with mushroom compost to boost the amount of nitrogen that your plant gets.

**Please Note** Not all seeds will be uniform in size and can vary. Do not discount the size of the seed as they are fresh and viable regardless. Each seed packet is checked for seed count prior to shipping out and for this reason we ship seed packets in clear packets so you the buyer can see the amount prior to opening the packet. If you have an issue with seed count do not open the packet. Instead contact us with a photo of the unopen packet for correction. Once open we will not send replacements.

Also note seed germination will vary. If you're having issues try cold treating the seeds in your refrigerator @50°F (usually your fruit/veggie crisper will do) for 2-3 weeks before sowing.
