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White Yarrow

Regular price €6,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €6,95 EUR
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Purchase Quantity: 20 seeds**

Parts Used---The whole plant, stems, leaves and flowers, collected in the wild state, in August, when in flower.

Medicinal Action and Uses: Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic.

Yarrow Tea is a good remedy for severe colds, being most useful in the commencement of fevers, and in cases of obstructed perspiration. The infusion is made with 1 OZ. of dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water, drunk warm, in wine glassful doses. It may be sweetened with sugar, honey or treacle, adding a little Cayenne Pepper, and to each dose a teaspoonful of Composition Essence. It opens the pores freely and purifies the blood, and is recommended in the early stages of children's colds, and in measles and other eruptive diseases.

A decoration of the whole plant is employed for bleeding piles, and is good for kidney disorders. It has the reputation also of being a preventative of baldness, if the head be washed with it.

Preparations: Fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 dram. An ointment made by the Highlanders of Scotland of the fresh herb is good for piles, and is also considered good against the scab in sheep.

An essential oil has been extracted from the flowers, but is not now used.

Linnaeus recommended the bruised herb, fresh, as an excellent vulnerary and styptic. It is employed in Norway for the cure of rheumatism, and the fresh leaves chewed are said to cure toothache.

In Sweden it is called 'Field Hop' and has been used in the manufacture of beer. Linnaeus considered beer thus brewed more intoxicating than when hops were used.

It is said to have a similar use in Africa.

Culpepper spoke of Yarrow as a profitable herb in cramps, and Parkinson recommends a decoction to be drunk warm for ague.

The medicinal values of the Yarrow and the Sneezewort (A. millefolium and A. ptarmica), once famous in physic, were discarded officially in 1781.

Woolly Yellow Yarrow (A. tomentosa) is very rare, and a doubtful native; its leaves are divided and woolly, the flowers bright yellow.

British folklore:

In the Hebrides a leaf held against the eyes was believed to give second sight.

Chinese divination:

A bunch of 50 yarrow Achillea millefolium subsp. m. var. millefolium stalks, used for I Ching divination. The stalks are dried and used as a randomising agent in I Ching divination.

Native American uses:

Yarrow and its North American varieties, was used in traditional Native American herbal medicine by tribes across the continent. The Navajo considered it to be a "life medicine", chewed it for toothaches, and poured an infusion into ears for earaches. The Miwok in California used the plant as an analgesic and head cold remedy.

Several tribes of the Plains Indians used common yarrow. The Pawnee used the stalk for pain relief. The Chippewa used the leaves for headaches by inhaling it in a steam. They also chewed the roots and applied the saliva to their appendages as a stimulant. The Cherokee drank a tea of common yarrow to reduce fever and aid in restful sleep.

Among the Zuni people use the occidentalis variety medicinally. The blossoms and root are chewed, and the juice applied before fire-walking or fire-eating. A poultice of the pulverized plant is mixed with water and applied to burns.

***DISCLAIMER*** Always seek the medical advice of your PHP prior to taking any doses if used for medical reasons. If intended to use as edible do your research online before consuming. We are not responsible for any adverse affects.

**Please Note** not all seeds maybe uniform in size and can vary. Do not discount the size of the seed as they are fresh and viable regardless. Each seed packet is checked for seed count prior to shipping out and for this reason we ship seed packets in clear packets so you the buyer can see the amount prior to opening the packet. If you have an issue with seed count do not open the packet. Instead contact us with a photo of the unopen packet for correction. Once open we will not send replacements.
